Tuesday, April 3, 2012


  While January and February were packed full of events and happenings, March always seems a little less chaotic and a bit of a slower pace. Well, marching along is easier that running along the path of life!

  We were able to enjoy some time with friends at a barbeque planning meeting, at the beach for café and relaxation, at a birthday celebration with yummy treats, at a home with their mini farm, and at the seasonal opening of  a Chiringuito (a small bar on the beach) with a paella lunch.
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  March 19th was El Dia de Padre (Father’s Day) in Spain.  We were able to surprise Jared with Father’s Day….don’t get THAT chance very often.  We prepared one of his favorite meals- fried potatoes, sauerkraut, and sausages- and the girls surprised him with a small gift- a candy bar and a hammock.  He also was able to enjoy the afternoon with our friend, Martin, while they celebrated Father’s Day outside eating tubs of ice cream (and sharing some bites with their kids).
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  Jared was back to working 40 hours a week monitoring the gym The fitness center is really busy now with everyone coming in to get beach ready for this summer.  Our friend, Ivan (aka Grande), gives Jared a thumbs up on a break between sets!
Spring in the Gym!
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  With Jared monitoring in the gym and Lora’s fitness classes and walking club on top of the management responsibilities, bible study prep and teaching, Spanish class, and communication with and preparations for the groups that we have visiting us at the end of April and the month of May, we are blessed  and know it’s important to make time to spend as a couple and as a family.  We make sure a few days a week we get outside with the girls to enjoy the weather, the scenery and each other.  Jared and Lora take every Friday morning alone to walk or run along the beach, have some quiet prayer time in some favorite seaside spots, and have a relaxing morning in town having a café at the same bar, getting fresh fruits and veggies from the market, and making any other needed stops at the shops in town before picking up the girls from school and Jared heading to work at 2pm.
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    Jared was able to take an afternoon to go rock climbing with his friends, Matt and Martin.  He really enjoyed it. The location is within walking distance of our apartment.  Since Jared and Lora both enjoy climbing and Laila is showing more and more of an interest, we are hopeful to purchase (or have donated) some climbing gear for our family to have and use as another family time activity.  This particular rock face is a90 feet tall.

  Laila was invited to a weekend of camping with her best friend and her family.  She had a great time and LOST HER FIRST TOOTH!!  We have been actively working on getting this tooth to come out for at least a month. Her two permanent front teeth are already coming in behind her front baby teeth.  It’s a little sad that she doesn’t have that usual goofy smile with a gapping hole that kids get when they loose their teeth  but we are VERY happy it is finally out. Now….to get the other loose ones to come out!

  Jara has her own ministry opportunity here working in the food pantry every Monday afternoon from 4:45-6:45pm.  The pantry reopened in March after being closed for the last two months because the government has not shipped any food to replenish the stock that feeds over 200 people each month!  As you can see, the team she works with has lots of fun together.
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Jara and Jared ended the last day of March attending a joint youth group event between our church youth group and another community church where our group traveled to enjoy a time of worship, teaching and a meal together.

   We are enjoying watching the March weather bring the blooms of spring and watching God bring the buds of fruit in our ministry work.  We are excited that as time marches on that more and more buds are visible and the fruit is beginning to grow and flourish.
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God continues to encourage and guide us in this field He has given us to labor in, to pray for, and to harvest from in His Name and for His Glory.

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