Thank you for your prayerful consideration to be a part of our support team for StaytonServingSpain. There are many areas we need your support and are excited to see how God can use you in this mission.
1. Prayer Support:
Prayer warriors are needed to lift up our family, our mission, our needs, and our praise in prayer on a daily basis. We have a whole separate page designed to help those of you who wish to pray for StaytonServingSpain. This page will be updated daily with specific prayer requests and will also have a list of current prayer needs for our mission. We will also give updates on how our collective prayers have been answered and enable you to join with us in praise to our Lord and Savior for His majestic work.
2. Moral Support:
We need supporting stones around us that help us to keep our focus on Jesus, the Chief Cornerstone; encourage us in simplicity in ministry goals and lifestyle; are active listeners; help us integrate missions with the ministry of their church; express interest and desire to be a part of this testimony; and give us godly counsel. We are in need of these moral supporters now and while we are in Spain. An encouraging word, a smile, a hug, a handshake, a simple note or email all mean so much to us! We especially need those to encourage our daughters with hugs, talks about their preparations and journey, notes, or any other thing you can think of that would brighten an 11 or 5 year old's day. Our girls are excited about going but they are also nervous. We are working to make this transition as smooth as possible for them. (See Stayton Shelf for ideas on how to morally support our daughters when in Spain.)
3. Communication Support:
We need individuals who can help us in staying connected with people here in the States. Whether it's sharing our testimony and missions to others or keeping us in the forefront of those who know us, we want to keep StaytonServingSpain in touch with as many people as possible. This support can also help us with getting our newsletters to churches, sending out emails to friends and family, getting people connected to our blog page or to us personally on Facebook, Skype calls (helping our friends and family know how to connect with us or get set up to connect with us in this way), and sending care packages (see Stayton Shelf).
4. Logistic Support:
We need individuals to help manage business affairs, money, taxes, and legal documentation. Also logistic support entails helping with paperwork shuffling or ministry tool needs between Spain and the States, identifying cross-cultural workers in your own life to be a part of our mission, maintain accountability in our mission, and have regular contact with us on the mission field to help determine needs and solutions to those needs.
5. Stayton Shelf:
This idea came as a means for our supporters to give in more tangible way, especially our daughters' friends and family and those who cannot afford to be a sponsor. We will have a list of toiletry items as well as favorite candies, activities,etc for our family that you can purchase and take to the contact person for the Stayton Shelf. A care package will be sent to us in Spain once a month containing items collected and any cards, letters, books, activities,etc that you or your family would wish to include for our family. This care package enables us to not have to worry about finding replacements for our current toiletry items as soon as we arrive (giving us time to figure out both brands and cost) and also enables friends and family to send items to us without incurring the expense themselves. We will have a separate page for this area of support on the home page once details have been established.
If you are interested in being an active supporters for our mission in any of these areas, please contact us at to let us know your area of interest and we will put you on our contact list for that support team and let you know of any new developments or needs in that area.
Thank you for serving as a sender!