Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Taking Off!


     Life in Spain is about to begin for the Stayton Family.  The long wait, the preparations, and the farewells are over.  Our departure was questionable from Indy at our scheduled time due to weather delays coming out of Newark, New Jersey (our first destination).  But, thanks to a couple expedient ticket counter helpers we were able to get an earlier flight out of Indy that was being delayed.   IMG_5619                 IMG_5618 

   It made for REALLY quick goodbyes at the airport for the many friends and family that came to send us off.  I think we had maybe 3 minutes to say farewell to about 25 people!   


       We still had to wait on this new flight, but we were able to have an amazing conversation about our Savior, God’s plans, and the Spirit’s power and equipping with a traveling pilot on our flight.  You know it’s going to be a good conversation when he asks where we are traveling, we tell where and why, he asks our church affiliation and beliefs, we answer, and he says, “So, you are the Jesus Freaks!”  Such a Divine appointment in our Divine delay (even at the airport), a new believer seeking Jesus and encouraged to met some “Jesus Freaks” like us…to God be the glory! We will continue to pray for George, his wife, and his two young sons (ages 4 and 1).  His breaking from a traditional family religion has caused strife in his relationship with his parents.  He stated that he sees God’s hand at work and feels Him moving in the desires of his heart (with his job, his relationship with his wife, and in his overall outlook on life).  The Holy Spirit is truly at work in his life and we pray that George continue to seek after The Jesus of the Bible and grow in Him.  Also, on our overnight flight out of Newark, NJ to Frankfurt, Germany,  I had to sit alone a couple rows in front of Jared and the girls.  I was able to talk to the man next to me about God’s calling on our lives and was able to share with him the testimony God is establishing.  He was very receptive to the conversation and the subject matter.  I was able to find out about Mark, his wife of 19 years (Leslie, a Brit) and his two children (a son, age 13, and a daughter, age11) from Denver, CO.  Mark owns his own computer software company that specializes in a program which helps companies relocate employees internationally and was traveling to his London office with a meeting for a potential new client in Germany first.  If you know me well enough, you can see all the fun connections we had which made for easy conversation. We will continue to pray for God’s will and blessing on Mark’s business as it is growing and expanding.  We pray for his family who often stay at home keeping up with house maintenance, sports, and activities.  We will pray that their family time is returned to them exponentially and that Mark would be able to fulfill his desire to travel to more destinations and explore the world with his family (possibly even living abroad, in Barcelona, for a year).  While I was not excited about a 7 hour flight sitting alone, God always has His way and His plan…Praising Him for His sovereignty.

     As I begin writing this blog, we are flying from Frankfurt, Germany to Malaga, Spain, the last leg on our travel.  We are all very excited and tired of sitting on planes and in airports. Laila and Jara have both LOVED being on the planes.  Laila’s favorite parts are take off, landing , and turbulence! Thanks for all the prayers concerning their pending anxiety.

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    Laila asked after our over night flight, “Why aren’t we in Spain yet?  I want to go to Spain!” (This was stated in typical red-headed Laila style..all sassy and spicy.) To help appease the grouchiness, the girls were treated to McDonald’s in Germany. (If you consider McD’s a treat : P)  They found the sight encouraging. While life is changing, it will still have some familiar aspects even among unfamiliar languages, people and places.  While at the airport, we were all confused as to what meal we should be eating.  The cafes were serving lunch being 12noon here, yet our bodies were telling us that at 6:00am we should be having breakfast.  I’m sure that this battle will continue for a couple of days!  (Not with just food but with sleep as well.)  We are on time to arrive in Spain around 5pm Spain time (11am US time).  I know that landing will come with a fury of activity, excitement and exhaustion.  I will be posting this blog as soon as I’m able and will follow up as often as possible.  I know that we will have lots to share.  God’s already started and we haven’t even touch down in Spain!  He is so good! 

    Thank you for your continued prayers, love and support!  Thank you to all who have sent us an email, text, phone call, or have come to a send off event.  Thank you to all of you who came to the airport to transport us and all of our things, to give us a last hug and to provide us with great encouragement.  We feel so very loved and blessed by our heavenly Father through your words and deeds.  Thanks for being his instrument in our lives and on this amazing journey!



Jeanne said...

Hola our Spanish familia!! Wasn't sure if you would receive your fb wall comments or not!? Soooo I am here again sharing our love! Glad you landed safely and surprised about Laila's enjoyment of turbulence on the fight!? Parallel to theme park rides??? Interesting stories of sharing His word! God is good! Enjoy your transitioning in Spain and we are anxious to hear more of your progress! Until then---God be with you!!! Love, Mom& Dad, alias--Grams & Gramps

Katina said...

family, we are so excited to hear of the details of your travels and God's faithfulness in comforting Red and giving you the opportunity to share His work in your lives. Love the updates and can actually "see" you in our minds eye there and soaking it up! We miss you is quiet here without our "downstairs bears" (which btw we nicknamed you yesterday after a show on "Smile of a Child" ; >

Hugs-the "upstairs bears"

Anonymous said...

Have a great time serving the Lord!

Jesse Lockerbie

Kimberly said...

We were just wondering how the flights went. Good to see that prayers were answered for little red. I hope your bodies adjust soon to the time difference. WE LOVE YOU!!!
Our thoughts and prayers are with you always. The Wise Family

Tina said...

We're so glad you've arrived safely and will look forward to your postings. Your magnet's on our fridge and we'll be praying. What an adventure you're on and what a blessing you'll be. I know you'll be blessed, as well. Praying that He keeps your faith strong in Him as you seek His work. Much Love!