We received our first gifts of the season mid November when Pablo and Rosa (our church elder) returned from a two month visit to the States bearing a suitcase filled with gifts of our favorite things from our church family at Horizon Christian Fellowship in Indianapolis. We all received SOOOO many cards and letters filled with love and encouragement from friends. It was a HUGE blessing and arrived in God’s perfect timing.
The holidays get there kick off in the States with Thanksgiving. So, that is where our holidays started here in Spain as well. I know, I know. Spain doesn’t have Thanksgiving, but these Americans in Spain did. Our friends from Norway, Martin and Maria with their young sons, Samuel and Benjamin, joined us for our Thanksgiving Thursday Feast scheduled and prepared between work and fitness classes. Maria and I had so much fun shopping a few days before and working out, coffee and cooking that morning. It was my first time ever making a pumpkin pie and made more difficult by the fact that there are no cheats here (pre-made crusts and canned pumpkin). The girls and I had fun taking on this labor of love for Jared, who LOVES pumpkin pie.
We prepared a quasi American Thanksgiving meal. Smoked turkey legs, sweet mashed potatoes, garlic mashed potatoes, and slow cooked bacon onion green beans. Not to mention a table full of yummy goodies to munch on before and after the meal (olives, pickles, cheeses and crackers, veggies and dip).
We have so much to be thankful for and to give glory and praise to God for this year. Everyday we are thankful for His most precious gift, Jesus Christ, our Lord and our Savior. We celebrate this gift of Love everyday. We are blessed at this time of year when the world becomes more aware of the Gift they have waiting in the hands of God for them to receive. We pray that everyone would choose to take this gift, open it, and receive the grace, mercy and love of our Savior.
Our Christmas celebrations consisted of several outings into downtown Malaga with friends from church and the community center and our Bible study group eating tapas, visiting Dunkin’ Coffee (Donuts), and walking around enjoying the the sights and sounds of the season. We started trying on some new Christmas traditions like a picnic on the beach and a quick jump into the Sea on Christmas Eve. We built gingerbread houses with the Daland Family. We attended church on Christmas day at a 6pm service where Laila joined the other children in singing a song. The girls enjoyed sleepovers with friends on Friday the 23rd while Jared and I enjoyed an evening out. We helped host a Christmas party for the youth and adult singles group on Friday night the 23rd as well where Jared was blessed to lead a small devotion about Christmas.
We were all having a hard time placing Christmas in this 60-70F sunny weather. The girls were especially showing signs of being a little homesick and missing our usual traditions. So, Jared and I adjusted some plans. First thing, we spent 10Euros and decorated the apartment while the girls were at school three days before Christmas. This helped make it feel like a celebration was occurring.
Second, the last several years we have opted for experiences and outings instead of wrapped packages and this year was to be the same. However, with the delay in arrival of packages from their grandparents, Jared and I decided a little money spent on wrapped gifts would be better than a little money spent on several grand family outings. The girls were very surprised to find a few packages with their names on them when they returned home after joining Jared to get a few items at the grocery store on Christmas Eve.
So, each of the girls received a scarf and matching “gloves”, a mini speaker that plays music from a SD card, and a bag with some chocolate, gum, a jump rope, “tattoo”pins, lip balm and body spray. They each received another gift, a “toy”. It really started us thinking watching Laila receive a Christmas gift from her best buddy, Jada, of two Littlest Pet Shop figures. Laila was soo excited and has been so wanting toys to play with which I shared with Jada’s mom the blessing of her gift. (Reminder, my girls rid of EVERYTHING-a whole playroom of toys- to move to Spain only bringing one baby doll, two stuffed animals, and their DS with the three games they each own.) While they both love to draw and are fabulous at using their imagination to play many things, I am reminded that my youngest is but 6 years old and would still enjoy toys. Jared and I had purposed to grant a wish and purchase Laila a toy. She had stated that she would really love some Barbie Dolls and circled many in the catalog costing much more than we were able to spend. We had decided that she would be happy with at least one doll and we had found one at the store for 10Euros (a store special). As we were walking into the mall to purchase her Barbie, Jada’s mom, Rachel, was walking out saying that she was about to call us. A neighbor of hers had stopped by their home earlier that day and had dropped off a gently used bag of Barbie Dolls and a Barbie RV and asked Rachel if she could find someone to give it to for the holidays! Rachel knew that Laila was wanting some toys so she wanted to know if we wanted the dolls and RV. She was completely unaware that Laila’s Christmas wish was to get some Barbie specifically (and Laila had even circled the RV in the catalog). It was such a blessing to be a witness to God at work to touch the heart of one of His. We were so excited and blessed to be able to share with Laila how God gave her a very special Christmas indeed!
We pray that you encountered your own Christmas miracles this year and were able to experience God in way that touched your heart.
Here are some pictures and videos documenting our first Christmas in Spain.
"Es Navidad"
(Video of Laila singing with the other children at Christmas Day church service.Click on the link to watch the YouTube video.)
The sights and sounds of downtown Malaga at Christmas.
Spanish Street Singers
(Click on this link to watch a YouTube video!)
Art Alive
Sorry that I recorded this sideways but still fun to watch!
(Click on the link to see the video of a large Nativity scene.)
There are large Nativities set up like this one all over Spain in malls, government buildings, private offices and churches. They are filled with much detail and are beautiful. They tell the story of Christ’s birth from conception to delivery and through until the escape to Egypt. We love how the scenes depict ordinary days with extraordinary events happening in the midst without many being aware. His second coming will not be so easily missed!
Street Musicians
(Click on the link to watch a YouTube video post.)
Our Spanish friends surrounded us with fun and fellowship.
Christmas Eve "Swim"
(Click on the link to watch the video of our new Spanish Christmas Eve tradition!)
Our new Christmas Eve tradition…a picnic and a “swim” with friends.
We had LOTS of fun as a family enjoying all of our Christmas activities.
Merry Christmas! Feliz Navidad!
We pray that your holiday season was filled with fun and fellowship